Tijs Visser

11 May 2023

Almost 6 years ago, Tijs Visser and his wife Renate started wage feeding. He is now a well-known contractor throughout the Netherlands.

Perfection in contract feeding with the Peecon Biga feed mixer

“The idea arose earlier.” Visser explains: “It was only because of the uncertain times that we didn’t dare to do it yet. However, the idea remained alive”.
Tijs and Renate saw potential together in feeding dairy cattle. They saw that, in a different way, there were many possibilities for both the farmer and themselves. Even before the first customer was found, Tijs and Renate went ahead and bought a towed feed mixer; “A tractor with a front loader and a trailed wagon is more versatile. If feeding didn’t turn fast enough, there was always the option of using the tractor elsewhere. In this way we could spread the possible risks”.

A good start is half the work

The ambition in the agricultural world has always been there for both of them. Together they studied at the agricultural school, went their own way, but met each other again in the agricultural world. Visser now provides more than 20 companies (3000+ cows!) with solutions for animal feed in the Krimpenwaard region with 2 feed combinations. From morning till evening Visser drives around with three employees with his beautiful JCB, equipped with a Hekamp silage grabbing machine and Peecon Biga feed mixer. Every day you see them pass by along the narrow inland roads.

I remember my first customer well,” says Visser; “The first few days it was quiet, but then an acquaintance from the region called. He had problems with his machine. This was the chance to make a good first impression. And it turned out; this acquaintance is still a satisfied regular customer!”

Visser quickly organised a demo day, which attracted more than 100 visitors. After that Visser was on a roll!

A custom made machine

Visser can now be seen with a unique new Peecon Biga Future feed mixer. In cooperation with Bos mechanisatie, Visser has chosen for the Peecon Biga Future two mortar feed mixer, which has been developed and produced by Peeters Group entirely according to the customer’s wishes. Luxurious appearance, robust construction, and custom-made augers. That makes the feed mixer complete. The mixer has an RDW approval, enabling Visser to drive safely from customer to customer. Once arrived at the customer’s premises, he disconnects his shovel from the mixer, after which loading begins. Because the mixer has its own FPT 6-cylinder diesel engine, the mixing augers rotate during the loading process and the hydraulic functions can always be operated. The control has been developed by Gewitech Machinebouw BV, so that the machine can be operated completely remotely. Furthermore, machine information, camera images and weighing results are sent wirelessly to various screens in Visser’s shovel. This reduces the disconnection of cables to a minimum. It is remarkable with which efficiency Visser fills the feed mixer again and again with the desired rations of each customer. You can see that there is years of experience behind this.

Equipped with options such as Hardox wear edge, hydraulic axle suspension and automatic rear axle steering, the robust new Peecon Biga is the new showpiece of the contract feed company.

The machine in action!

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